Interior Decorators

An interior decorator is a person who is employed to decorate the inside of people's houses. In other words Interior decoration is the art of decorating a residential home or commercial business according to a client's personal preferences and style. This includes selecting color schemes, floor materials, furniture, artwork and accessories. Interior decorator transforms an area into an aesthetically pleasing and budget-friendly design.

What Interior Designers Do

You can hire an interior designer to help you remodel a room in your home or completely remodel it. When it comes to big remodeling jobs, hiring an interior designer will help ensure that you get as much use out of the space as you have. They will also help to ensure that the design does not cause any security hazards.

Decorating Tips

There is no right or wrong decoration style, but designing a space can be dizzy at one time. You can spend hours searching for the right color scheme, furniture and accessories, only to be shot by a frazzled and disappointed customer. There are suggestions to avoid these problems and to create a quality design from the beginning.

1. Put high curtains on your windows
Close to the ceiling, the room will have a grander feel.

2. Hang pieces of art at eye level

3. Place beautiful baskets around the house
Three cheers for the strategically placed clutter.

4. Style decorative items in odd numbers.
Use the "Three Rules," people.

5. Layer Your Light Sources

6. Always, always make your bed
Nothing says "I don't care about my house" like a couplet covering rolling on the floor.

7. Think of Production as Decoration
In a bowl, fruits and vegetables make a great centerpiece in a pinch.

8. Reduce your dish and hand soap
The presentation is looking better just light-years.

9. Clean your windows regularly
Trust: It makes a world of difference.

10. Edit your countertop decoration up to 90%
This is a trick for a beautiful kitchen.

11. Make Big Statements in Small Rooms
Powder / laundry room brazen wallpapers are always a good idea.

12. Pendants should hover approximately 3 feet above the surfaces
The same goes for the island, bar and dining table.

13. Use Real Bowls for Your Dog's Bowls

14. Do not keep your bed in direct alignment with your door
  (It blasts you with "energy").

15. Fresh flowers, always And fresh water too.

16. Add real rugs to utilitarian rooms

17. Always buy extra photo frames 

18. Color block your bookshelves

19. Place furniture 2 inches from your walls 

20. Switch up coffee table decor often


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